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Goodbye Freeview. Hello, Netflix!

The way in which we each TV has changed dramatically in recent years. With the rise of streaming companies such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, more and more people are switching from ‘Pay TV’ such as Sky and Virgin Media. This is according to Ofcom, reported in July 2018 “The number of UK subscriptions to television streaming services like Netflix has overtaken those to traditional pay television for the first time, marking a major shift in the UK’s viewing habits.” Alongside this, social media is also changing the way in which we stream content online. Over 500 million hours of footage is watched on youtube every single day from across the globe. Facebook also now sees over 100 million hors one video view time daily. These stats are likely due to the fact that almost anybody can upload content at any point, meaning that users can keep up with the short attention spans of many viewers and constantly update and upload fresh and relevant content.

The same trend is also showing in the music industry too, with over half of people opting to stream their music through the likes of Spotify and Apple Music against purchasing physical copies of CDs and vinyl records.

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